Vitamin C prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Vitamin C | nemačko - engleski rečnik

Vitamin C


Wasserlösliches Vitamin, das insbesondere für die Bildung von Bindegewebe und Knorpel von Bedeutung ist, die Wundheilung fördert und die Resorption von Eisen begünstigt. Es ist nach wie vor umstritten, ob Vitamin C die Abwehrkräfte des Körpers gegen Infekte stärkt.
Massiver Vitamin-C-Mangel führt zu Skorbut, der heute sehr selten ist.
Besonders reich an Vitamin C sind Sanddorn, Johannisbeeren, Kiwi, Tomaten, Paprika und Zitrusfrüchte. Kartoffeln sind, da sie in relativ großen Mengen und regelmäßig verzehrt werden, ebenfalls sehr wichtige Vitamin-C-Lieferanten.

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ascorbic acid


C6H8O6 or vitamin C; A relatively simple organic acid found in citrus fruits and vegetables. It is soluble in water and destroyed by prolonged boiling, so soaking or overcooking of vegetables reduces their vitamin C content. Lack of ascorbic acid results in scurvy.
In the human body, ascorbic acid is necessary for the correct synthesis of collagen. Lack of vitamin C causes skin sores or ulcers, tooth and gum problems, and burst capillaries (scurvy symptoms) owing to an abnormal type of collagen replacing the normal type in these tissues.
The Australian billygoat plum, Terminalia ferdiandiana, is the richest natural source of vitamin C, containing 100 times the concentration found in oranges.
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vitamin C

vitamin C


A vitamin found in fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables; prevents scurvy; SYN. ascorbic acid.
Another n
ame for ascorbic acid.
A water-soluble vitamin C6H8O6 found in plants and especially in fruits and leafy vegetables or made synthetically and used in the prevention and treatment of scurvy and as an antioxidant for foods — called also ascorbic acid.
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Vitamin C

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